Lead Registered Veterinary Technician
Lead Registered Veterinary Technician
Amber studied at Georgian College, and became a Registered Veterinary Technician in 2006, joining Bracebridge Animal Hospital during her college co-operative placement. Born and raised in Bracebridge, she felt it was the perfect fit for her husband and furry family.
Amber has a special interest in nutrition, client education, allergies, dentistry, exotic animal medicine, and feline behaviour. She runs our Slim-Fit program helping coach clients and monitors their pets through their weight loss journeys. Amber spends a lot of time researching pet food manufacturers and companies to learn more about the products available. This helps her to make very educated nutritional recommendations. With her interest in client education, she has expanded her skills to include running our website, social media and creating both display boards and power point presentations for our examination rooms.
Amber shares her home with her husband, and is owned by her six fantastic felines; “Kirby”, “Flight”, “Crackers”, “The Doctor”, “Cheerios”, “Codex”, and the newest addition to the family is “Pancake”, the ferret. She has a soft spot for homeless senior pocket pets and special needs kittens/cats, often fostering or volunteering for All Creatures Rescue. Amber is a strong advocate for preventative veterinary medicine for all pets regardless of species.